Ten Stage Tuesdays @ The Stages Academy

The Ten Stages Middlesbrough is every Tuesday 12-3pm.We run a rolling course of the Ten Stages we know this for ourselves because this is what we have become conditioned to have. We constantly don’t want to get into this too much.We learn to practice avoidant behaviours in collusion with our parents. And by escaping our innermost feelings, we create an inner void which is filled with either addictions or dissociations.


Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: We are capable of SO much more than we think is possible for ourselves.COME TO...Realise your Child Within
Author: Fraser Trevor
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We are capable of SO much more than we think is possible for ourselves.Come to... Realise our Child Within. A realistic call to action i...
We are capable of SO much more than we think is possible for ourselves.Come to... Realise our Child Within. A realistic call to action is to live at our highest recovery potential by giving our gifts to the world and letting our freed intuition run our lives and determine the outcome.

Consistently, human history shows that many of mankind’s core assumptions about the world have been wrong. Let’s take a look:

The world is flat – wrong.

The Earth is the center of the Uni-verse – wrong.

Metal can’t float – wrong.

Man can’t fly – wrong.

Going faster than the speed of sound is impossible – wrong.

Women aren’t equal to men – wrong.

African-Americans are separate but equal – wrong.

An African-American will never be President – wrong.

What are our core assumptions TODAY that are wrong? Your World is a place FULL of POTENTIAL and POSSIBILITY – not just for our recovery, but also for us in our lives.

Just like we have thought some crazy things in the past, in each of our lives we have limiting beliefs that, like the beliefs listed above, are just plain old wrong and often ancient.

What thoughts or excuses do you have about your life that are holding you back?

Here are some common ones:

I’m too fat.

I’m too skinny.

I’m too old.

I’m too young.

I’m under qualified.

I’m overqualified.

I don’t have enough time.

I’m not enough.

I’m not worthy.

I don’t have enough money.

No one will like this idea.

I will die if I fail.

All these beliefs and many more start to come when we expand our possibility and step out of our comfort zone. Know this – your limiting beliefs and excuses are DEAD WRONG.

Here’s the truth.

You are enough, right now, as you are. You can schedule your time; find other ways besides money to make it happen. You will fall down and you will fail, but those things are just lessons. The only true failure is the failure of not trying.

Your dreams, your desires are REAL and can BE if you take consistent action toward them. Every time we expand, we will be met with old limiting beliefs.Contact with our Child Within will free our intuitive voice.

Take the time to notice them and then just move forward anyway. Let’s strengthen our minds to be conditioned to believe empowering thoughts instead of disempowering thoughts. Let’s train our minds and take action over time to prove these empowering thoughts right.

What limiting beliefs, excuses and the like are you buying into?

Which ones do you want to throw away today and act in a different direction? Are you willing to burn in the fire of you heart’s desire for as long as it takes to make it happen? Are you willing to surrender the outcome to your Child hidden Within?

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