Ten Stage Tuesdays @ The Stages Academy

The Ten Stages Middlesbrough is every Tuesday 12-3pm.We run a rolling course of the Ten Stages we know this for ourselves because this is what we have become conditioned to have. We constantly don’t want to get into this too much.We learn to practice avoidant behaviours in collusion with our parents. And by escaping our innermost feelings, we create an inner void which is filled with either addictions or dissociations.


Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: The Stages seeks a solution that moves us beyond his or her "painful inner dialogue." and out into the clear blue waters of recovery.
Author: Fraser Trevor
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The Stages seeks a solution that moves us beyond his or her "painful inner dialogue." and out into the clear blue waters of...

The Stages seeks a solution that moves us beyond his or her "painful inner dialogue." and out into the clear blue waters of recovery.The Stages has no religion, no spirituality, is not allied to any group or cult. The Ten Stages is a simple study course.

The course of the Stages we attempt to awaken to our original recovery nature which involves interrupting the ordinary flow of linear, language-based, thinking so that we can rediscover "the mind within the mind".

Focusing on external circumstances or teachings is not what triggers the moment of recovery, in other words. Rather, it is focusing on the absence of internal commentary. Because it is impossible to "think" without words, this practice of stopping the flow of running commentary on our lives involves cultivating a mindset of no-thought in an attempt to experience each moment as it is without silently talking to ourselves about it.

Attempting to gain the mind without the internal voice means starting to deal with the origins of the voice and the trauma it still holds and regurgitates at any pressure to reveal its inner secrets.In the ten stages a dialogue is instituted with the inner voice through the experience of others, and it works, how it works finally it has the potential for us to gain complete freedom.
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27 Apr 2015

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